Monday, June 6, 2016

Pic Garut Baheula (Garut Picture Anciently)

History begins with the dissolution of Garut Regency Limbangan in 1811 by Daendels by reason of the area Limbangan coffee production decreased to the lowest point zero and the regents refused the order to plant indigo (indigo). On February 16, 1813, the Lieutenant Governor in Indonesia at that time occupied by Raffles, has issued a decree on the establishment of the District Limbangan back the thousands of cities in the Holy. For a City District, the presence of the Holy judged not meet the requirements of the region because the area is quite narrow.

In this regard, the Regent Limbangan Adiwijaya Duke (1813-1831) formed a committee to find a suitable place for the Capital District. At first, the committee found Cimurah, about 3 km East Suci (Currently, the village is known by the name of Kampung Pidayeuheun). But in these places clean water is difficult to obtain precise so as not to become Capital. Furthermore, the committee looking for a location to the west Scriptures, about 5 Km and get a suitable place to be used as capital. In addition to fertile land, the place has a spring that flows into the River Cimanuk and beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains, such as Mount Cikuray, volcano, Mount Guntur, Mount Galunggung, Gunung Talaga Bodas and Mount Karacak.

When found the springs in the form of a small lake covered thorny shrubs (Marantha), a committee "kakarut" or scratched her hands until they bled. In the entourage of the committee, also participated in a European who participated fix or "ngabaladah" the place. When he saw the hand of one of the committee bleed, immediately asked: "Why bloody?" People who scratched answered, his kakarut. Europeans or the Netherlands mimicked kakarut said with tongue who are not fluent so it is called being "gagarut".

Since then, the workers in the party committee thorny plants named as "Ki Garut" and telaganya named "Ci Garut". (The location of this lake is now occupied by buildings SLTPI, SLTPII, and junior IV Garut). With the discovery of Ci Garut, the area around it is known as the Spark name .. Garut Garut sanctioned by the Regent Duke Limbangan Adiwijaya to be the Capital District Limbangan
and there are several images districts Garut anciently:

 Adu domba di Garut pada tahun 1921.

 Bupati Garut Raden Adipati Aria Wiratanudatar VII beserta istri RA Lasminingrat (duduk) dan keluarga.


 Hotel Ngamplang pada tahun 1920-an.

 Aloen-aloen Garoet

 Situ Bagendit di Garut tahun 1932.

Sociestraat atau Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani pada sekarang pada tahun 1936.

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